Student Activities

Appreciating the Majesty of Five Sacred Mountains —College of International Education Held Chinese Salon for International Students

creation date:2024-03-26

On the afternoon of Tuesday, March 19th, 2024, the College of International Education held a Chinese salon, welcoming students from across the globe to explore the rich heritage of China’s Five Sacred Mountains. The event served as a conduit for acquainting international students with the revered peaks such as Mount Tai, Mount Hua and Mount Heng, enhancing their understanding of Chinese culture and refining their language skills.

International Students Practising Poetry on Stage

The Chinese salon commenced with introductions to the renowned Five Sacred Mountains and related famous poems, such as “How lofty is the Great Peak of the East, so very striking, rising all the way to the blue sky.” “Towering high, Mount Tai reaches the heavens, crafting a celestial abode afar.” “O peak of peaks, how high it stands! One boundless green o’erspreads two States.” By immersing themselves in these classical verses, participants were transported to the breathtaking landscapes of China’s sacred peaks, gaining insight into the country’s natural splendor. By delving into these poems, international students not only appreciated the picturesque beauty depicted but also resonated with the deep love for their homeland conveyed by the poets.

International Students’ Engaging in on-site Exchanges

Scene from the Chinese Salon

The event facilitated meaningful exchanges, improving the language proficiency of international students and fostering friendships between Chinese and foreign peers. Additionally, the interactive sessions deepened the international students’ understanding and emotional connection with China.

Written by: Zhang Ruyi

Photos by: Zhang Ruyi

Reviewed by: Chen Wei
