Student Activities

Experiencing “New Chinese Style” —College of International Education Hosted Hanfu Cultural Exchange for International Students

creation date:2024-03-27

On the afternoon of Tuesday, March 26th, 2024, the College of International Education hosted a cultural exchange, inviting students from around the world to immerse themselves in the timeless elegance of traditional Chinese Hanfu attire. By exploring various styles of Hanfu and delving into its cultural significance, the event aimed to deepen international students’ appreciation for classical aesthetics while also introducing them to the concept of “New Chinese Style”.

International Students Trying on Hanfu Attire

International Students Showcasing Hanfu Attire

The event commenced with members of the school’s Hanfu Club offering insights into the rich history and evolution of Chinese Hanfu culture. Originating from the times of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors (with a pause during the Qing Dynasty), Chinese Hanfu culture has continuously flourished, forming a mature and comprehensive cultural tapestry over thousands of years. In contemporary times, the essence of Hanfu culture is experiencing a global resurgence, manifesting as the vibrant phenomenon of “New Chinese Style” culture.

Scene from the Hanfu-Themed Cultural Exchange

“Adorn the body with garments; cultivate the self with rites.” Dressing in Hanfu transcends mere fashion; it embodies the profound cultural heritage and deep-seated reverence Chinese people hold for their traditions. As more young people embrace Hanfu, they exemplify the elegance of Chinese youth and the vitality of their ancient civilization. These events introduce international students to the splendor of Chinese attire and its rich cultural tapestry, nurturing a stronger connection to China and promoting the dissemination of its cultural values.

Written by: Zhang Ruyi

Photos by: Zhang Ruyi

Reviewed by: Chen Wei
