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MOFCOM Conducted Research and Inspection on Foreign Aid Training Work at SBS

creation date:2024-04-24

On the morning of April 23rd, Deputy Secretary Zheng Le and his delegation from MOFCOM visited Shanghai Business School (SBS) to conduct research and inspection on foreign aid training work. Vice President Zhang Shaohua, Branch Secretary of College of International Education, Executive Vice Dean of the College of International Education of Shanghai Business School and Vice Director of MOFCOM Training Base for International Business Officials (Shanghai), Mr. Chen Wei attended the meeting.

The site of meeting

Zhang Shaohua extended a warm welcome and gratitude to Zheng Le and his delegation for their visit to SBS for research on foreign aid training work. He emphasized that foreign aid training is an important component of China's foreign aid efforts and a key means to enhance SBS’ international influence. Great importance is attached to foreign aid training, with it consistently being prioritized as one of the key annual focuses. Continuous efforts are made to enhance the content of foreign aid training, strengthen participant connections and follow-ups, promote international exchanges and cooperation, and contribute to the development of Shanghai's economy and society, the school's business education, and internationalization. The goal is to establish an internationally influential training base for international business officials. Zhang anticipated that this research and inspection visit would serve as an opportunity to promote the high-quality development of foreign aid training at school.

Mr. Zhang Shaohua on speech

Chen Wei introduced the development history and training overview of the base, with a focus on the implementation and distinctive features of SBS's foreign aid training. Officers showcased the self-designed information management platform for foreign aid training, receiving approval from the research group. Subsequently, both sides engaged in in-depth discussions and exchanges on issues such as the management system, training process, and key challenges in the implementation of foreign aid training projects.

Zheng Le highly praised and commended the achievements of SBS’ foreign aid training work. He stated that the school has formed a comprehensive foreign aid training system tailored to its own characteristics, demonstrating an exemplary role. The establishment of self-developed foreign aid training informatized management platform and post-training contact mechanism represents a beneficial exploration and endeavor. The foreign aid training projects have yielded achievable results, and there is potential to expand its own advantages and form unique strengths in the field. He looks forward to strengthening cooperation with SBS in the future, sharing resources, jointly conducting projects aligned with characteristics of Shanghai city, to promote the high-quality development of foreign aid programs.

Mr. Zheng Le on speech

Written by: Zhao Zixuan

Photos by: Li Zheng

Reviewed by: Chen Wei
